Historical Calendar. National Historical Institute, Manila, 1996.

5 October

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Archbishop Manuel Antonio Rojo, acting governor-general, surrenders the city of Manila to the British invaders in order to end the slaughter of soldiers and civilians.

Simon de Anda issues his first proclamation in the town of Bulacan, naming himself Captain-General and Supreme Governor of the Philippines and President of the Real Audiencia in conformity with the provisions of law and by reason of the fall of Manila.


A royal decree is issued changing the method of electing the town officials.  Known as Municipal Election Law of 1847, it provides that the gobernadorcillo and other local officials are to be elected annually by an electoral board consisting of the outgoing gobernadorcillo, the ex-gobernadorcillos and the cabezas de barangay.


The Queen Regent, favorably acting on a petition of Governor-General Weyler, raises Iloilo town to the rank of chartered city.


El Album Militar, founded by Don Mariano de Ciria, is issued.  It has sixteen pages and is sold at one peso a month to military officials, and comes out every ten days.


The Instituto de Manila (later known as the University of Manila) is established.


Leonard Wood starts his term of office as governor-general of the Philippines.  Upon assumption of office, Governor Wood manifests his opposition to the independence aspirations of the Filipinos, and vetoes 16 bills passed by the Philippine Legislature.  As a result, all the Filipino members of the Cabinet and the Council of States resigned en mass on 7 June 1923.  This is known as the "Cabinet Crisis of 1923."

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